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Carving Figural Kaleidoscopes


Carving Figural Kaleidoscopes


Follow along with Steve as he takes the traditional kaleidoscope to another level with these delightful "Collide-A-Scope" woodcarvings. Using over 250 color photographs, he provides thorough step-by-step instructions for creating a striking wizard figurine with an actual kaleidoscope installed inside. Woodcarvers will find valuable information on starting with a roughout, detailed carving and painting techniques, and installation of the kaleidoscope kit. Patterns and measurements for the wizard and other figurines are provided for those who wish to cut their own blanks. The patterns include an Old World Santa, Uncle Sam, Fireman Santa, and a Santa Rocket. All are shown in finished form in the gallery, along with a chip carved Collide-A-Scope.

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